Affordable Manufacturing Made Easy

3D Printing

Narrow down your Options

Here at XYZPrototyping, we pay special attention to the quality customers are receiving when they decide to print with us. When your model is eventually 3D printed, you are guaranteed to be receiving a high quality part that takes advantage of the mechanical and material properties of the specific material being used. We also like to work with our customers from the start of their project so they can get the most out of their project. 

Here are some ways we can further narrow down the options available in 3D Printing:

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Available Materials

Project require a specific material, but don’t care what color it’s printed in?


Available Colors

Looking for a specific color, but don’t care what material it’s printed in?


Available Machines

Looking for a specific type of 3D Printing technology? Wondering if our printers will be able to print a specific size?

Looking to customize your design even further? Take a look at our Infill Pattern Options

Specialties + Additional Options

Ready to Start your 3D Printing Project? Talk to Us!